MBI 2017 - Trinity College Dublin 


Message from the Meeting Chair:

The theme of this year's meeting was: “Learning from Development to Engineering Therapeutics” The scope of the 4th MBI meeting was both to promote and consolidate scientific interest and expertise around extracellular matrix research in all its forms within Ireland, and, to link this with the international scientific community on Matrix Biology. Our brief also encompassed practical and translational applications of the biology of the extracellular matrix in all forms and aspects, including, but not limited to:

  • Developmental biology
  • Extracellular matrix synthesis and degradation
  • Glycobiology
  • Pathophysiology / Degenerative conditions / Injury
  • Biomaterials / Tissue engineering / Regenerative medicine
  • Delivery of therapeutics / biologics
  • Modelling
  • In vivo and in vitro models
  • ECM Signalling in Development
  • ECM crosstalk in Fibrosis
  • ECM and the Tumour Microenvironment
  • BioEngineering in Ireland
  • Immunotherapy and the ECM
  • Advanced Emerging Technologies of ECM Imaging
  • Harnessing ECM as a Therapeutic
  • Circadian Rhythms and the ECM

This year’s program aimed to stimulate interactive discussions and networking activities, complete with a high level of young investigator talks and presence throughout the program.

Thank you to all the exhibitors and sponsors who have financially supported this meeting, which has kept the costs reasonable for the participants. We are running a passport scheme to drive interaction with our exhibitors towards which, prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the meeting.

The local organising team would like to thank the MBI Council for their support in the preparation and also Trinity College Dublin, in particular Trinity Biosciences Institute (TBSI) for being so helpful in hosting this event.

Meeting Chair

Michael Monaghan

Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin