Inaugural MBI Image Competition

For all lovers of everything extra cellular matrix related, we invite our student and early career researcher members to submit their favourite images of ECM-related material to our inaugural MBI Image Competition. Matrix biology would be nowhere without some photons and other energy sources to drench and excite the otherwise dim and often lifeless specimens that we so carefully produce. Thanks to some remarkable developments in microscopes and staining tools, we can easily capture images and sit in awe and wonder at the hitherto invisible beauty found in nature. So what makes an image an outstanding image? Is it the biology underlying? Is it the technical prowess of the sample maker? Is it the composition or colour choice? Is it all these together? It is probably all or at least most of the above.

Image Competition Rules

This competition is open to members of the Irish Society for Matrix Biology. Entrants must be a member at the time of submission of entries.


  • Only one entry per person is allowed.
  • The subject matter of competition entries is flexible but must reflect current research in Matrix Biology .
  • Images that have won prizes in other competitions are not eligible.
  • No entrant will be awarded 1st prize in two consecutive years.


  • Entrants must supply their name, address, email address on entry.
  • Entries must be sent by email (10 x 11.96 cm 300 dpi) to  Note: if the file size is too small make sure you have got the settings right as they won’t be eligible for the competition.
  • Winning entries may be requested as 600 dpi JPG saved at maximum resolution sized at 196 mm wide x 230.5mm high and in RGB colour mode (the coordinator can liaise with the shortlisted entrants at this point).
  • At the time of submission, entrants must state clearly that they are the creator of the submitted image.
  • Your entry should adopt the file name initial_surname.jpeg e.g. a_einstein.jpeg.
  • Entrants should supply a concise stand-alone caption limited to 50 words as a MS Word document, labelled initial_surname_caption.doc.
  • For 2022, the deadline for entries is April 30th.
  • Entries that do not conform to the entry requirements will be disqualified.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • 1st Prize €150- and framed print of the best image= awarded at the 2022 meeting
  • 2nd Prize €100,
  • 3rd Prize €50

General information

  • Entries will be anonymized prior to judging.
  • The organisers’ decisions are final in every situation and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Entries will be published on MBI web pages and will also be used to illustrate MBI newsletters and other promotional material. Copyright will remain with the creator. If you do not agree that images may be used as stated you must stipulate this on the entry form.
  • Entrants will be deemed to have understood the competition rules and accepted them and agree to be bound to them when entering the competition.
  • Candidates must be members of Matrix Biology Ireland at the time of submission