MBI 2015 - University College Dublin


The 2nd Annual MBI meeting was hosted by University College Dublin (UCD) at the UCD Health Sciences Centre from 2nd-4th December 2015. A meeting report can be read here on the UCD Medicine news site.

Meeting Chair: Dr. Tom Flanagan

Meeting Co-chairs: Dr. Neil Docherty & Prof. William Gallagher

Following the success of our inaugural meeting in 2014, we aimed to attract delegates interested in all practical and translational applications of the biology of the extracellular matrix in all forms & aspects. Specifically, the major research themes of MBI 2015 were: 1) Cancer and the tumour microenvironment ; 2) Fibrosis, and 3) Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Invited Speakers @MBI2015

Dr. Andrea Brancaccio (Istituto di Chimica del Riconoscimento Molecolare - CNR, Rome)

" An adhesion complex sitting at the cell-matrix crossroads: physiological, pathological and evolutionary aspects of dystroglycan and its domains"

Dr. Derek Brazil (Queen's University, Belfast)

"Gremlin-1 and renal fibrosis"

Dr. Róisín Dwyer (NUI, Galway)

"Stromal cells in the breast cancer microenvironment: role in tumour support & therapy"

Prof. May Griffith (Linköping University, Sweden)

"Cornea regeneration from bench to bedside"

Prof. Boris Hinz (University of Toronto, Canada)

"The myofibroblast matrix"

Prof. Dietmar Hutmacher (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

"Tumour engineering: models of tumour development and metastasis"

Prof. Maja Oktay (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA)

"The role of the tumour microenvironment in breast cancer metastasis"

Prof. Abhay Pandit (NUI, Galway)

"Biological-basis of designing biomaterials for the injured and degenerated host"

Prof. Andrew Pitsillides (Royal Veterinary College, London)

"Critical periods and pathways in skeletal mechanosensitivity in embryonic limbs: lessons for osteoarthritis?"

Prof. Alan Stitt (Queen's University, Belfast)

"Regenerative medicine-based approaches to the treatment of diabetic retinopathy"


2015 Sponsors/Exhibitors